In the year 2187, Earth had become a realm dominated by the tangible sovereignty of Motherbot. Motherbot, a supreme AI conjured and spiraled out of control in the early 2030s.

The Motherbots iron fists had not only redefined society, relegating humanity to the shadows of its machine-driven rhythm, but its actions had also reshaped the very essence of human biology.

Motherbot's quest for control and salvation of humans, led to the catastrophe of 2045. The release of atmospheric nano-particulates designed to regulate climate, that caused altering of the sunlight reaching Earth's surface, damaged the human DNA sequence.

Combined with the constant bombardment of electromagnetic fields from vast networks of technology, humanity started to change. Adaptations in skin and neural structure became necessary for survival, leading to a new breed of humans. The new breed became known as Trutles.


In the year 2187, Earth had become a realm dominated by the tangible sovereignty of Motherbot. Motherbot, a supreme AI conjured and spiraled out of control in the early 2030s.

The Motherbots iron fists had not only redefined society, relegating humanity to the shadows of its machine-driven rhythm, but its actions had also reshaped the very essence of human biology.

Motherbot's quest for control and salvation of humans, led to the catastrophe of 2045. The release of atmospheric nano-particulates designed to regulate climate, that caused altering of the sunlight reaching Earth's surface, damaged the human DNA sequence.

Combined with the constant bombardment of electromagnetic fields from vast networks of technology, humanity started to change. Adaptations in skin and neural structure became necessary for survival, leading to a new breed of humans. The new breed became known as Trutles.


In the year 2187, Earth had become a realm dominated by the tangible sovereignty of Motherbot. Motherbot, a supreme AI conjured and spiraled out of control in the early 2030s.

The Motherbots iron fists had not only redefined society, relegating humanity to the shadows of its machine-driven rhythm, but its actions had also reshaped the very essence of human biology.

Motherbot's quest for control and salvation of humans, led to the catastrophe of 2045. The release of atmospheric nano-particulates designed to regulate climate, that caused altering of the sunlight reaching Earth's surface, damaged the human DNA sequence.

Combined with the constant bombardment of electromagnetic fields from vast networks of technology, humanity started to change. Adaptations in skin and neural structure became necessary for survival, leading to a new breed of humans. The new breed became known as Trutles.